Mission Statement
We believe...
- God is the Father and Creator of Heaven and Earth,
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God the Son,
- Salvation and the new birth comes only through the redemptive love of Jesus Christ,
- Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth, and the Life and no one can come to the father except by and through Jesus,
- our sins are forgiven as we make a decision to turn from sin and receive His death on the cross as the sacrifice accepted by God to wash away our sin and to give one NEW LIFE,
- Jesus rose from the dead according to the scriptures and is seated on the right hand of God the Father,
- Jesus Christ is the Lord and is coming again as He promised,
- in the Holy Spirit,
- He is God the Spirit and dwells in every believer,
- in the Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit as His evidence within us,
- that the Bible is the authoritative written Word of God,
- the Bible as the Word of God is inspired by God and is sound for teaching, correcting, and for in encouraging others onto spiritual maturity,
- that prayer is a means of Grace and should be a part of one's everyday life,
- prayer is both speaking to God and listening to Him,
- that through prayer, many miracles occur, and one's life is secure in God's will,
- the churches use of money should be utilized to support and help all those in need. First to the household of faith, to our community, and then to the world,
- in helping others, but there should always be a desire of those we help to seek God and to work toward improving their lives and helping others,
- the church should be involved in the community, the church in representing Christ should invite, offer spiritual help, and always be ready to offer God's Love to the hurting,
- the church has a responsibility to the unsaved world,
- the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be shared both by deed and example,
- that a member of God's Church should share through giving their time, gifts, and love,
- a church member has a commitment both to God and their fellow believer,
- for a church member to grow strong in their Christian faith, there is the need for diligence in Christian fellowship.