Did You Know

The Watchman

A Watchmen is to give warning: Ezekiel 3:17-21; 33:7-11 Cities of long ago were built upon hills. A high tower was built upon the city wall, and in the tower was a watchmen who could see the approach of an enemy. His job was to warn the people, who in turn, closed the city gates and prepared for battle. The position of the city on a hill, with the valley between them and the outlying mountains, served as a natural fortification. Because of such security, Israel had settled in ease and was "trusting in the mountains of Samaria" rather than in her God. (Amos 6:1)

Ezekiel's spiritual application is that the Christian is a "watchmen" to warn sinners of impending judgement and doom unless they repent and get right with God. Christ gave further application to a "city set on a hill." (Matthew 5:14) It cannot be hid, how true of our lives, which, having been set before the public by God, must reveal the life of Christ if our warning as a watchmen is to become effective. And what protection we have--"God is our stronghold tower....and He knoweth them that trust in Him"
(Nahum 1:7)

A Pastor too is a watchmen, He is to warn and proclaim God's impending Judgement on the world. He is to prepare the church teaching her to get right with God. This Pastor has done this and is continuing to do so. Amen.