I would like to say first, I'm thankful for God's love and care. Then I'd like to say I am thankful for my church family. It's such a pleasure on Sunday morning to see the younger people doing work for God, especially the ones I have taught in Sunday School. I still love them. I'm thankful for my family's love and care and that my seven great-great grandchildren are being raised in Christian homes. Just a few of the many blessings that God has blessed me with.

Alma Lee Simpson


I'm thankful I chose God as my Shepherd at an early age. I've never had riches, but I'm thankful I always had a bed to sleep in, clothes to wear and food to eat. I'm thankful for my family, my church and my church family. All around, I'm thankful God has just been good to me.

Mary Lena Bean


I am thankful for Bro. Ken and family, my church family, my children, grandchildren, and so thankful for God's love, care, and protection.

Vergie Schwartz



Thanksgiving - a time of giving thanks for all the food on the table, the canned goods in the pantry, and the freezer items placed in the freezer for our consumption. Or, perhaps giving thanks the gathering of friends and relatives to enjoy this great American tradition. But, to whom do we owe the most gratitude and thanks? Would it be the neighbor who plowed our garden, the store which sold us the seeds to plant, the government for giving us a paid holiday, or maybe the farmers and livestock growers who made a great deal of this possible? All of these deserve a note of gratitude and thanks, yet there is something we must never forget; there is only one who made this possible. The Lord, our God gave us the four seasons, which include the planting and harvest periods. He has seen to all our needs and cares and always will. It is to Him that we owe our daily prayers and thanks. Those who truly have the Lord in their heart will never want for anything. They shall overcome the trials of earth and know the joys of heaven! May the peace that comes from the knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ, come over you and be with you always.

Rob Rudd


Bob Rose shared this with the Covenant Keepers (our men's group seeking a deeper walk with God). I thought I would pass it on to you.


BLESSED is the man who trusts in the Lord, and leans not to his own understanding.

BLESSED is the man, who in all his ways acknowledges the Lord, Who will direct his path.

BLESSED is the man who loves God, remembers to thank Him for food, for all blessings, and takes time for Scripture reading and prayer.

BLESSED is the father who sets a good example for his children and loves his wife and children so that they will love and cherish him always.

BLESSED is the man whose greatness can be measured by his willingness to do good, and who is kind, loving, and considerate of others.

BLESSED is the father whose children can come to him with problems, unafraid.

BLESSED is the man who in his daily labor is honest, dependable, and trustworthy in giving full measure of labor for the pay he receives.

BLESSED is the man whose daily tasks are a labor of love and whose labor becomes a service to God and to mankind.

BLESSED is the man who holds his temper, thinks first before acting, is charitable to all, shoulders blame, admits error, and forgives.

BLESSED is the man who brings out of another the best that is in the other person.

BLESSED is the man in whose home father, mother, sister, brother, all have time for one another, and where family quarrels are pushed aside to let the love of God abide.

BLESSED is the man in whose home the husband and wife humbly dedicate their lives and home to Christ.

Gilbert R. Crossan Jr.