News from Around the World


 QUAKE RATTLES CENTRAL OREGON – A minor earthquake with magnitude 3.8 rattled a section of central Oregon early Wednesday. The temblor was centered about 77 miles southeast of Bend in a remote area. (Yahoo!)

 DIPLOMATS MEET IN MOSCOW TO DISCUSS KOSOVO – U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan was among a small army of diplomats arriving in Moscow in search of a political settlement on Kosovo. Despite the rush of activity Wednesday, Russia's mediation efforts showed little sign of progress. Western countries have been encouraging Russia to act as a go-between with Yugoslavia, and Moscow has welcomed the chance to play a prominent role in trying to forge a peace deal. (AP)

 PA DELAYS DATE FOR DECLARATION -- The Palestinian Legislative Council essentially decided yesterday to delay the date of the Palestinian state's formal declaration, probably until after a visit to Israel by the Pope next year. Significantly, however, the PLC defined the borders of the future state as based on United Nations resolution #181 of the year 1947. Furthermore, as David Bedein of the Israel Resource Review reports, the PLC affirmed that the future Palestinian state would demand the enforcement of UN resolution #194, calling for the re-patriation of three million Arab refugees to the villages they left in 1948. (Arutz 7)