The Healing Power of God!

by Mary Lena Bean

I was suffering with pain in my lower back and my right leg. The bone specialist showed me my x-ray and explained to me the problem. He said the calcium was building up in my backbone and crowding the spinal cord. He prescribed some pain pills to me in hope that it would help the pain. He told me if I had to have surgery it would be a very serious surgery.

Jim Capps was my Pastor during this time in 1993 or 1994; I can't remember which year it was. One Sunday night, we had an "Anointing With Oil Service." People were being prayed for and I went up and had Dot and Frank Nichols anoint me with oil and pray for my healing. I felt something happen, but I didn’t know if I was being healed instantly or if it was going to be a gradual healing, I wanted to be sure, so I didn't share it with anyone until later. It is now May of 1998, I haven't had any pain nor do I take pain pills. I thank God he chose me that night and I received my healing. I thank Frank and Dot Nichols for being willing to be used by God and for interceding for me.