Trusting in Jesus

        In this month's Bible Study, we want to focus on what it means to put our trust in Jesus. Trusting God is the heart and soul of the faith that centers in our Lord Jesus Christ. In the New Testament we see with unmistakable clarity that faith and trust is a personal response to God and a complete commitment of ourselves to Him. Have you placed your trust in Him? I pray this Bible Study will help you to do just that! God bless you in your study. Bro. Ken

  1. What did the prophet Isaiah predict of Christ?
        Isaiah 11:10
  2. Why does God want us to put our trust in Jesus?
        Ephesians 1:12
  3. Is there danger to believers who fall away from Christ?
        Matthew 24:12;  Hebrews 10:38
  4. What did the Ephesians do upon hearing the Gospel?
        Ephesians 1:13
  5. What experience followed this trust in Jesus?
        Ephesians 1:13b
  6. By what does one gain the victory over the world?
        I John 5:4
  7. What has the firm trust in Jesus led many to do?
        Hebrews 11:36-38;  Revelation 12:11b
  8. What is promised those who put their complete trust in Jesus?
        Mark 10:29-30
  9. What is Jesus able to do for those who put their trust in Him?
        Jude 1:24


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